Boorabbin National Park

Phone 08 9080 5555
Address On Great Eastern Highway
Boorabbin WA 6429
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About Us


Situated as it is on the Great Eastern Highway, BoorabbinNational Park is a great place to experience the trees and wildflowers of the Great Western Woodlands.


Showy wildflowers that can be seen from the highway include flame grevillea (Grevillea eriostachya), grass leaf hakea (Hakea multilineata) and Roe’s featherflower (Verticordia roei). The three semi-arid banksia species: swordfish banksia (Banksia elderiana), inland banksia (Banksia audax) and the rare Lullfitz’s banksia (Banksia lullfitzii) are all present in the shrubby areas.


The park takes its name from the former Boorabbin townsite, a settlement established in 1898 to provide water for steam locomotives going to and from the Goldfields. The town was named Boorabbin after the Aboriginal name of a rock on the edge of the park.

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